| Membership CriteriaThere are three possible membership categories. The third category of honorary membership would only be instituted after the working group has been operational for at least three years. No membership fees will be levied. Members: people who are active currently. These are members who organise the events, publish materials, and assume most of the responsibilities related to the working group activities. They will be qualified professionals and/or researchers engaged in the various fields of activities around ICT use in either the military or in civic society, and societally- or ethically-related concerns. Members will also be expected to contribute content to the online forum and repository as appropriate. Members are to be nominated by the work group Chair, and are subject to IFIP TC9 approval. Associates: people who want to be associated to the group more as consumers of content (occasionally participating in conferences and workshops), but who are not available to organise events or to give further, other, contributions (voluntary work). Associates may act as interesting sources for consultation, input, and feedback, and ideas. They may become active members in the future. Honorary members: members who have been very active in the past, but who for various reasons cannot keep leading the processes. In recognition of their previous work and valuable experience, they would be called honorary members. A three-year period of inactivity is taken to indicate that a member or observer is no longer interested in the technical area, and can be cause for removing the member from the membership list. |